Become a sponsor | Mdina Cathedral Museum Archives

Become a sponsor

Projects requiring sponsorship

A bi-level library that houses the Melitensia and other collections at the Cathedral Archives.

Refurbishment of the rooms containing the manuscripts.

Whilst exploring the Metropolitan Chapter website, undoubtedly you would have appreciated the priceless cultural heritage and works of art contained in the Mdina Cathedral, the Cathedral Museum and the Cathedral Archives. These three buildings are part of our national heritage and identity.

The artefacts presented are not simply works of art or old documents but they hold a history which, when interpreted and understood, sheds light on our nation’s past. Being a nation with a rich culture spanning over thousands of years, indeed, the Maltese culture is one of the oldest in the Mediterranean region.

We have been entrusted with preserving and making our heritage accessible not only to current generations but also for those who will come after us. As an organisation, the Metropolitan Chapter has limited funds to carry out the extensive restoration and preservation projects within the Cathedral, Museum and Archives. We are thus looking for sponsors and philanthropists to finance major restoration projects.

During the Budget for 2016, the Government announced a new measure to encourage further partnerships between Malta’s business community and the cultural sector.

Through this measure, companies giving donations to non-profit cultural organisations, public cultural organisations or to Arts Council Malta as an intermediary on behalf of a beneficiary, may claim the amount donated at 150% against the income for the year of assessment when the donation was made. The maximum tax deduction is capped at €50,000. This incentive is effective as of 1st January 2016.

The Subsidiary Legislation 123.102 states the following:

  1. (1) Where, in any year of assessment, a company proves to the satisfaction of the Commissioner that it has made a cash donation to the Arts Council Malta or a cash donation to a nonprofit making cultural organisation approved by the Arts Council Malta, such donation may be claimed as a deduction against income for the year of assessment in which it is made, provided that a certificate is issued in this respect by the Arts Council Malta and that, in the case of a donation to a cultural organisation as aforesaid, such cultural organisation is not in any way related to the donor company.

The Cathedral, the Cathedral Museum and the Cathedral Archives are planning to launch, in the near future, ‘The Friends of the Cathedral, Cathedral Archives and Museum’.

This initiative is intended to bring together a group of people with a vested interest in – and with a passion for – heritage and culture, to continue nurturing the investments being implemented.