Volunteers | Mdina Cathedral Museum Archives


A message for those interested to be volunteers

“It is not money I am asking for, but ten minutes of your time to read and reflect on these words”

After my family visits it would then be the time to plan and later on to actually implement those plans. No one in a parish community, whether an Archpriest, a priest, or a layman can perform on his or her own. The Parish is a family beyond the walls of our home and when we take a genuine interest in the parish where we live, we can all, with God’s help, come together and experience a strong sense of belonging to our Parish Community of families and a stronger urge to be of service to others.

In the following form there are various activities. Perhaps you may find an initiative or  a vital activity that interest you and are capable of doing.

Please mark any activity or activities and contact me.


Mgr Claude Portelli

Archpriest- St Paul’s Cathedral Mdina

Kelmtejn għal dawk interessati li jkunu voluntiera

“Mhux flus qed nitlobkom, izda għaxar minuti mill-ħin tiegħek biex taqra u taħseb fuq dawn il-kelmtejn”

Wara li nkun spiċċajt il-“family visits” ikun imiss l-ippjanar u l-implimentazzjoni ta’ ċertu deċiżjonijiet. Ħadd fil-komunita’ parrokkjali kemm jekk ikun l-Arċipriet, saċerdot jew lajk ma jista’ jaħdem għalih jew għaliha weħidha. Il-Paroċċa hi familja l-bogħod mill-ħitan tad-djarna, iżda meta niedhu interess ġenwin fil-paroċċa fejn ngħixu, llkoll, bl-għajnuna t’Alla, ningħaqdu flimkien u nesperjenzjaw sens li nappartjenu lill-komunita’ parrokkjali komposta mill-familja, u jkollna ħeġġa akbar sabiex inkunu ta’ servizz għall-oħrajn.

Fil-formola hemm diversi attivitajiet. Fihom inti tista’ ssib x’inizjattiva jew ħidma li tinteressak, jew tħoss li int kapaċi għaliha u li hi mportanti li ssir.

Immarka sew dawk l-inizzjattivi u avvicinani.


Mgr Claude Portelli
Arċipriet – Katidral ta’ San Pawl Mdina


    Sunday Mass
    ReadingSingingPlaying of an instrumentUsheringAnimation

    To attend formation meetings preferably in EnglishFilingTo attend as a couple to meetings once monthComputer workTo participate in one of the Parish CommissionsParish Pastoral CouncilLiturgical CommissionFamily CommissionDiakonija CommissionCultural and Social groupTo offer services at the parish office secretariat